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Looking for your favorite thriller genre? We have Legal Thrillers, Domestic Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Murder Mystery, Police Procedurals, Romantic Suspense/Thrillers, and Crime Thrillers.
Happy reading!
Irreparable Harm (Sasha McCandless Legal Thriller Book 1) by Melissa F. Miller
Attorney Sasha McCandless has one ambition: Make partner at the best firm in town. Then a plum assignment plunges her into a world of deceit and danger. Soon, Sasha finds herself with a brand-new life goal: Stop a madman before he kills her.
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To the world, Sheila Mackey is author of a blockbuster book. Her wily great-aunt, the actual author, orchestrated this mutually beneficial masquerade. Now Sheila’s ending 15 years of pretending with a transatlantic cruise. She should be thinking about what comes next, but discovers the ultimate distraction: finding a dead body on deck.
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A Cold Dark Place (Cold Justice series) by Toni Anderson
FBI agent Mallory Rooney spent the last eighteen years searching for her identical twin sister’s abductor. With a serial killer carving her sister’s initials into the bodies of his victims, Mallory thinks she may finally have found him. With over a four and a half-thousand 5-star reviews on Goodreads this Romantic Thriller leaves readers wanting more!
Vengeance (The Surgical Strike Unit Book 1) by Vanessa Kier
Niko Andros became a criminal to protect his family. He served his years in prison and now he’s earning redemption one mission at a time with a secret military strike force.
Blowback (Black Cipher Files) by Lisa Hughey
Her cover blown and her mission FUBAR, Jamie Hunt’s exit strategy is thrown off when her super sexy hook-up shows up to rescue her. Jamie trusts no one, including him…
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His Dream, Her Nightmare by Marla Morris
Winnie is a woman steeped in tradition that forces her to stand by her man. Nelson is a man with a shady past. He’s unfaithful and can’t be trusted with her heart nor her life. Will she wake from the nightmare in time to save herself?
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